Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony

with Judith Simmer-Brown

September 29th

Date details +
  • $75 Full Price
  • $100 Sponsor
  • ($25 Material Fee included in each price.)
Room: Main Shrine Room

Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony with Judith Simmer-Brown

Sunday, June 29th
2pm to 4pm in the Main Shrine Room

(Note - only those taking the vow and participating in the ceremony are to register. The ceremony is open to all who wish to witness it)

The bodhisattva vow is the public commitment to put others before ourselves, expressing the willingness to give up our own well-being, even our own enlightenment, for the sake of others. Recognizing that we and others are inseparable, we are willing to take on greater responsibility. This tradition of responsibility and openness has been handed down from generation to generation of bodhisattvas and signals a major deepening of the path. Those who wish to take the vow should already have taken the refuge vow with a Buddhist lineage preceptor and have considered, with mentors, the implications of such a commitment.

When applying to take the vow, please provide a letter of support from one’s meditation mentor or instructor. Applications are due at least one week before the vow ceremony and are to be sent to [email protected].

Those who apply to take the vow should attend a mandatory, in-person event Friday evening, September 27, 6-9 pm where specific elements of the vow will be explained, and individual name interviews will take place.  As part of the vow commitment, participants will offer a gift during the ceremony, which will be explained in the Friday night session.

REGISTER HERE: This event is open and free to the public, and only those receiving the vows are to register.

Note that a Bodhisattva vow class is being planned for the weekend of September 14th & 15th. All who are interested in taking the Bodhisattva vow are encouraged to attend the class. Details to come.

About Judith Simmer-Brown

Judith Simmer-Brown is Distinguished Professor Emeritx at Naropa University and a longtime Shambhala senior teacher.  She is author of Dakini’s Warm Breath (Shambhala 2001) and Meditation and the Classroom (SUNY 2010). She has been offering Refuge and Bodhisattva vows in the Shambhala lineage since 2000.

(Note - only those taking the vow and participating in the ceremony are to register. The ceremony is open to all who wish to witness it)