Naropa University establishes Chogyam Trungpa Institute

An excerpt from The Chronicles of Chogyam Trungpa

Naropa University is pleased to announce the establishment of the Chogyam Trungpa Institute at Naropa.

Naropa University is pleased to announce the establishment of the Chogyam Trungpa Institute at Naropa. Chogyam Trungpa founded Naropa University in 1974 as a place to foster both intellect and intuition, and to spark curiosity and deep inquiry. His inspiration to create a Buddhist inspired, non-sectarian University rooted in Contemplative Education and integrating Eastern Wisdom Studies with Western scholarship has infused the university and its development. From that vision Naropa became the birthplace of the modern mindfulness movement, while retaining deep connections to the world’s wisdom traditions.

The Chogyam Trungpa Institute is being launched in 2018, the 30th anniversary of his death, to highlight the work of its founder. Carolyn Rose Gimian, longtime editor of Trungpa Rinpoche’s work and founding director of the Shambhala Archives, the main repository for the lectures of Chogyam Trungpa, is being appointed the first director of the Institute.

CTI will be an academic center of excellence and a research center, encouraging a critical assessment by scholars and practitioners of Chogyam Trungpa’s body of teachings and his place in the development of Buddhism in the West. The Institute will develop and host CHELA, the Chogyam Trungpa Electronic Library and Archive, a digital platform to access his extensive lectures, poetry, and art, with linkages to the archival material of scholars, artists, writers and poets who were influenced by Chogyam Trungpa, the arrival of Buddhism in the West, or who taught and studied at Naropa.

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